If you are going to sell valuable cards, grading is a must. It may be worth it but be sure that you know the appraised value before you pay to have your cards graded. The only thing you must remember is to get an appraisal before you invest money in getting a Pokemon or any trading card PSA graded. Condition of Pokemon cards is always a vital factor and those Pokemon cards that are PSA graded will command the highest values in the marketplace. What are some of the traits to look for when identifying the most valuable Pokemon cards? Look at the front and the back and make sure the printing and imagery is crisp and sharp. When it comes to valuable Pokemon cards, your collection of trading cards can have good value too. The prize card was one of only 41 ever made and it has some special symbols and information that excite Pokemon collectors. This card was first distributed to those elite few who participated in Pokemon contests. It was also rare because it was sold from the collection of one of Pokemon’s developers. This unnumbered card was rare because only a limited number of them were made. The card was supposed to show the title at the top as Trainer yet it reads Illustrator at the top instead. The very valuable Pokemon card that sold for nearly $400,000 actually was a card that featured a print error. Judging from this sale, that collector wanted to line his pockets with a collection of pocket monsters. Recently, a rare Pokemon card brought $375,000 from a collector with deep pockets. The trading card game and collecting category has dedicated collectors and they are ready to spend big for that important card.

Pokémon or Pocket Monsters, the famed card game and collectibles, that originated from Japan remains popular with collectors.